It has been a rather eventful week.

Last Wednesday we were planning to be on the road by 5:00 a.m, heading for a family vacation with my parents, sisters, and their families. We had rented a big house for all 18 of us. It was 13 hours from our home, so we were hoping to get an early start.
At 4:45 a.m. I began loading the cooler with the food we were taking - and discovered that our fridge and freezer had died.
Needless to say, our departure was delayed over an hour, as we unloaded the fridge/freezer and unsuccessfully tried to fix it. We left a key out for the repair person, and called the appliance repair service from the car. After a very fun family reunion, we returned to a working fridge and freezer. Hurray!
Unfortunately, the fridge did not stay cold, and on Monday the contents of the freezer began to melt. Hopefully it will be completely repaired today. We have family visiting this week, so I really hope so - it is not a great time to be without a fridge!
My creative energy seemed to ebb with the faulty fridge. Rather than write the post I had planned for today, I am sharing a couple "Wordless Wednesday" photos. They are of the newest member of our extended family - and I think you will agree that he is quite a moppet!
With this dog, there was actually 19 of us all together for our vacation!
What caption would you write for either photo?
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