Friday, March 14, 2014


Welcome to my blog, the most -- of every moment.  Writing this post is my first step towards building this blog, and I am savoring the moment!  

Make the most -- of every moment.  

I chose this well worn cliché as the focus of my blog because of the many different ways it is possible to make moments matter - and how happy we are when we do so.  

Moments are just that, and even in a cluster of years, they often go by so quickly we are left wondering where they went.  Perhaps this is why we:

  •  tell young children to enjoy the time they have to just play
  •  envy teenagers for their youthful minds, strength and bodies
  •  remind college kids they are living the best years of their lives
  •  inform young parents that their babies will grow up in a blink
  •  encourage elderly people to enjoy the years they have left.

We can make the most of a moment in many different ways, such as:

  • gathering the courage to ask for a raise
  • putting an extra bow on a package to make the recipient feel special
  • reading an article that broadens our way of thinking
  • mastering a new skill such as a baking technique
  • choosing something healthy off a menu
  • planting a seed that will one day create a huge shade tree
  • making sure we spend enough of our moments in restful sleep.

The possibilities are endless, and as this blog evolves, so will they.  In some posts the intent will be more clear than others, but every opportunity for enrichment in some way helps us make the best use of our time.

Providing ways to "make the most -- of every moment" is the mission statement, the motto, the goal, the purpose and the challenge presented by this blog. In a variety of ways, I hope each post, picture, comment, project, thought and concept will inspire, instruct, encourage, and motivate us all in some way. 

I'm looking forward to the moments ahead!
~ Susan

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